Autore Topic: Cercasi architetti in Cina  (Letto 160505 volte)


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Cercasi architetti in Cina
« il: 26 Gennaio 2012, 19:17:56 »
Per chi rientra nei requisiti sembra una buona occasione:

About Employer:
About Us
ARCHIBUCKS( is a professional architecture career consultant for people who want to have their career in architecture design fields. We do placement for over 100 professional architects and architecture internship in China every year. ARCHIBUCKS are supported by Fanfan International Education Studio (, an NGO who supports Entrepreneurship in China.

Work Location:
Shanghai, Beijing,Shenzhen

Job Description:

—— Candidates from Strong Architecture Background countries all welcome

Job Description:
Position Number: 50
Logistical and Payment Package

• Starting Period:Employer is looking for candidates who can start ASAP
• Working hrs:40hrs weekly
• Payment:RMB 10000-RMB40000,formal job, at least one year working contract
• Visa Type: F, Z-visa, visa will be supported by Fanfan Studio, but cost is afforded by applicants

Work Offer and Requirements
Work contents:
1. Participate in the design process and rendering of company's different projects, including architecture design and urban planning.
2. Be involved in strong conceptual design skills knowledge of project presentation.
3. Take part in business trip and site visit

Request for Applicants:
1. More than one year working experience abroad or in China
2. Familiar with the software using in Architecture design, such as Photoshop, AutoCAD, Sketch up, etc.
3. Be willing to communicate and with good creativity
4. Be curious of everything around and want to ask questions


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #1 il: 27 Gennaio 2012, 14:45:59 »
Per chi rientra nei requisiti sembra una buona occasione:
• Payment:RMB 10000-RMB40000,formal job, at least one year working contract
• Visa Type: F, Z-visa, visa will be supported by Fanfan Studio, but cost is afforded by applicants
Di solito chi pubblica un'inserzione cosi' tende ad esagerare con l'offerta economico/salariale.
Controllando sul sito di Archibucks (vedere QUI scopro che in realta' l'offerta parte da RMB30000, circa 3600 euro lordi al mese, mentre RMB40K sono 4800 circa.
Ricordatevi che la tassazione in Cina e' elevata, per quella cifra il 40% se ne va allo Stato.
Inoltre vorrei mettere in guardia chi cerca lavoro dall'accettare proposte di questo genere emesse da un sito tutto cinese. Uno che nel logo scrive "Initiateded" e' tutto dire...
Il furto di identita' e' piu' comune di quanto si pensi e purtoppo la casistica dice che i cinesi sono specialisti in questo. Inoltre sul fondo dell'articolo c'e' scritto:
How to Apply?
•  Submit the application package including: CV(with photo), and portfolio (portfolio? e per fare che?), all in English to
• Tele-Interview: Qualified applicants will get tele-interview arranged by archibucks or employers.

Tanto per informarvi: sia Fanfan Studio che ArchiBucks sono cinesi.
Fanfan Studio e' principalmente un'organizzazione che produce corsi di studio, pubblica sul proprio sito un preventivo per i costi del visto e costi diversi:
Application Fee: 500 RMB(no refundable)
Visa service Fee and Airport Pick Up: 2000 RMB (for 3 months internship visa)/4000 RMB (1 year working visa *need 1 year working experience)
Health and Travel Insurance : 500 RMB/month (optional)
Management Fee (Accommodation facilities problems solving, culture shock problems solving and daily life problems consulting): 500 RMB/month (optional)
Accommodation Searching Fee: 35% of the monthly rent (once payment).

Come consiglio generale direi che:
1. se non avete mai sollecitato una richiesta di lavoro sul sito che ve la propone diffidatene.
2. se non avete idea di quello che hanno da proporvi, in quali termini e con quale stipendio o non e' chiaro diffidatene.
3. in genere questo tipo di richieste diventano obsolete dopo un paio di giorni, massimo arrivano a 7 giorni
4. prima di mandare qualsiasi tipo di risposta dettagliata accertatevi che non sia una truffa e
5. assolutamente non inviate a sconosciuti numeri di conto corrente e altri dati sensibili
6. se vi chiedono la fotografia prima di inviarla domandate perche'!
6. non c'e' storia, non si paga per lavorare, semmai e' il contrario, se vi chiedono soldi mandateli al diavolo!

Sul sito di Archibucks si trova un file (in pdf), ho cercato di allegarlo senza successo, lo incollo qui a vostro uso e consumo tenendo presente che 1RMB = 0.12 Euro.

Internship & Formal Job Placement Service
"Your passport to China !"
What is ARCHIBUCKS Program
ARCHIBUCKS Program is a global professional exchange program started from 2009. This
program is a win-win platform to share international employment and training resources with
other organizations and countries. Program will do services for local or international
companies to recruit international talents to join and develop together with culture recognition
with the following Vision and Mission.
To distinguish and serve international value-driven employers and talents, then to be a
positive engine to support add-value development by providing talents and training service to
- To build a win-win platform to share international employment and training resources
- To develop efficient and high quality cooperation system continually
- To help cross-cultural understanding to benefit both international employers and employees
What ARCHIBUCKS program offers to you?
A. Internship and Working Opportunity in China.
China is a booming market for Architecture. Hundred thousand of projects are moving
on this incredible continent. Financial Crisis comes, Chinese architecture companies still
have so many projects to do until next years’ middle. European Architecture market is
shrinking, there are not enough projects for new graduate students to do. China will be
a great place for you to explore your new future career development!
B. One-stop job hunting service
To work in China, please feel no worry about the visa or any other negotiation with
employers. ARCHIBUCKS will handle all these stuffs for you. The only thing you have
to do is to send us your package. Then wait for the good news from China! We will never
let you down if you really want to come to China to explore your future.
How ARCHIBUCKS program works
Applicants package collection ———— Upload your CV and portfolio on
Packages selection by employer ———— Each package will be sent to employer to select
Applicants interview ———— Interview between possible applicants and employers
Sending acceptance Letter or Contract ———— Applicant who has been enrolled will get
invitation letter and acceptance package from employers
Process visa ———— ARCHIBUCKS will process visa for applicants to come to China
Start Work in China ———— Buy fly ticket and welcome to China!
Working Conditions
Your salary will be 4000RMB per month.
Formal Job
Your salary in China for the fist 3 months probation period will be 5000-8000 RMB per
month. And after the probation period, your salary will up to 8000 – 15000 RMB per
B. Cost
Cost in China is different depending on which city you work. In Shanghai, the normal
lodging cost is around 2500 - 3000 RMB, which includes accommodation, daily traffic
and 3 meals.
C. Accommodation
ARCHIBUCKS will provide accommodation searching service for you to find your new
home in China if you need our help. The standard accommodation for 1 person will be 1
single or double room with shared bath room. Television and wash machine and kitchen
is also provided.
D. Contact person
For any question about the work or daily life in China, please feel free to email for advice.
Program fee of ARCHIBUCKS program
Application Fee: 500 RMB, no refundable
Visa service Fee and Chinese Mentor Service:
For internship visa: 2000 RMB visa service fee for 1-6 months internship visa invitation
letter or government visa notification form. Visa extension service will be provided to
longer internship period students, 500 RMB per time. Each extension can give a 3
months visa extension.
For working visa: 4000 RMB visa service fee (* Candidate needs at least 1 year working
experience after graduation, and government will charge another 1100 RMB for health
check and residence permit). ARCHIBUCKS will pay back the visa service fee (4000
RMB) to applicant who finishes 1 year working contract in company.
Accommodation Searching Fee: 40% of the month rent (once payment)
Chinese Mentor Service: We provide a Chinese volunteer to pick talent up in the airport
and bring him to the accommodation and do police office registration with him and also
buy local mobile card. Chinese mentor also will go out with you on weekends to see
around the city.
Q & A
What ARCHIBUCKS program offers to enrolled talents?
Every talent has been recruited by ARCHIBUCKS program will have internship in one
leading design firm in China. For talent who is qualified for work, they will get a 1 year
working visa in China and the first 3 months is a probation period. After the probation,
both employer and employee will decide whether they want to stay with each other for
longer time. If yes, talent can stay in the company for another 9 months and afterwards,
we will extend his or her visa for another 1 year ( if talents want to keep on working in
this company or China, we will keep doing service for them). If no, we will arrange
another company for this talent or he or she can decide to find a job by him or herself.
We can also help to arrange the working visa.
What salary level will ARCHIBUCKS Program offers?
In internship program, talents will get enough payment every month to cover their basic
life needs and wants (traffic fee, 3 meals and accommodation). It is 4000RMB.
In formal job program, talents will get 5000-8000 RMB during probation period. After
probation period, talents will sign formal employment agreement with the employer, and
their salary level will be from 8000 RMB to 15000RMB or higher, depends on their
How much will ARCHIBUCKS program charge for?
For Internship program, talents should pay 500 RMB for application fee and 2000 RMB
for 1-6 months internship visa invitation letter or government visa notification form.
Visa extension service will be provided to longer internship period students, 500 RMB
per time. Each extension can give a 3 months visa extension. The visa application fee
charged by each Chinese consulate in each county and fly ticket is afforded by talents
their own.
For working visa, talents should pay 500 RMB for application fee and 4000 RMB for a 1
year visa and Chinese mentor service. The visa application fee charged by each Chinese
consulate in each county and fly ticket is afforded by talents their own. The health check
fee charged by Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection And Quarantine Bureau and application
fee charged by Foreign Affairs Office for Residence Permit are afforded by applicant
himself, which are around 1100 RMB. ARCHIBUCKS will pay back the visa service fee
(4000 RMB) to applicant who finishes 1 year working contract in company.
Contact us
Allen Zhu
Program Manager
Tel: +86-21-61036783
Fax: +86-21-61036868
Address: Room 318, No. 58, Taicang Road,
Shanghai, China (200021)


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #2 il: 27 Gennaio 2012, 16:00:17 »
Grazie mille Joss per le tue informazioni!

Le seguirò attentamente per la mia ricerca!


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #3 il: 23 Agosto 2012, 13:58:35 »
grazie mille Joss
Sono tre anni che devo essere pagato da un ente qui in Italia.
Voglio andarmene all'estero.


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #4 il: 23 Agosto 2012, 18:48:40 »
grazie mille Joss
Sono tre anni che devo essere pagato da un ente qui in Italia.
Voglio andarmene all'estero.
MI sa che Joss e' andato....
Se pensavi alla Cina sappi che causa nostra sono in crisi anche loro. Noi non spendiamo loro non vendono=crisi.
Infatti non trovi piu' inserzioni di cinesi, stanno anche fallendo le loro ditte al ritmo del 3% annuo.
In tempi di crisi e se si hanno soldini meglio investire il nostro sapere e tempo in sudamerica, regge bene ;a crisi perche' gli Stati Uniti fanno da trattore, senza di loro sarebbe una tragedia greca.
Se avete soldini (non il velista) allora spendeteli in Grecia, comprate immobili commerciali, non case che poi vi tassano selvaggiamente. Accontentatevi di affitti bassi in attesa di tempi migliori, il giochino varra' la candela, entro il 2014 la grecia e' fuori dalla crisi e secondo me anche dall'euro ma portera' loro piu' vantaggi che svantaggi, anche l'italia non appena Monti lascia sprofondera' in un buco senza fondo, anche se si presenta alle elezioni quale partito lo accettera' fra le proprie file?
Cosi' appena tornano i politici ricomincera' la bagarre e buonasera....
Dove vai?
Io fossi in te andrei nel sud est asiatico, tenendosi ben lontano dalla thailandia perche' si son fatti furbi, il laos e' interessante, il vietnam leggevo che e' diventato anche esso interessante (non sapete quanto tempo libero si ha la sera quando non si puo' entrare nel forum a scrivere). E naturalmente il sud america. Prima di tutto il Brasile, lascerei perdere l'Ecuador perche' in un modo o nell'altro dalla storia di Assange prenderanno solo guai, anche l'Argentina ha qualche problemuccio, hanno ricominciato a bloccare il prelievo di contanti, bene Panama' e Costarica, in Colombia nuove minacce di certi gruppi terroristici, Chile interessante, bene il Messico e bene anche i paesi caraibici. Bene anche Uruguay e Paraguay e Bolivia.
Insomma imbarazzo della scelta.


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #5 il: 22 Maggio 2013, 17:37:25 »
salve non sono un architetto ma il lavoro che svolgo da anni ha maturato in me un esperienza sia teorica che pratica,lavoro con i piu'grandi studi di architettuta e design in italia, mi occupo di arredi interni ,ora voglio fare esperienza all'estero,non importa dove ,voglio cambiare nazione lavorare e insegnare l'arte italiana, serve  a poco scrivere quattro parole su un curriculum è piu' chiaro dare un occhiata al mio link.


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #7 il: 01 Ottobre 2023, 22:01:39 »


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #9 il: 02 Gennaio 2024, 02:19:39 »


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Re:Cercasi architetti in Cina
« Risposta #11 il: 01 Aprile 2024, 23:27:06 »